The importance of coral reefs

by Tolu

It's an Ecosytem

They're called the "rainforest of the sea" for a reason. First 25% of the oceans'fishes are dependant on the coral reefs. A single coral reef can hold 4000 fish species or more.

Protects coastline

Attributed to @sgr with CC-BY. found on Called "school of fishes on corals ". The place is Suizokuk , Nagoya-shi, Japan Published on August 8, 2018

white and brown coral reef

Ahmed Areef Maldives, Maldives Published on June 29, 2020 ""

Corals reduce damage caused by tropical storms and waves. The coral structures reduce wave energy by 97% and it's a natural flood defense along most of the world's coastline

All this infromation comes from the offical Coastal protection website that can be found here

All this infromation comes from the offical the Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography website that can be found here

Coral reefs are endangered

The main reason is because of coral bleaching. Bleaching is when the corals lose their colors. The loss of color means the coral is dying. Considering all the major benefits of coral bleaching, when corals die there are major negative reactions like mass extinction. Coral bleaching causes humans to rely on expensive manmade barriers to protect them from violent waves,reduce fish poulation, and increase the temperture which is ironic because....

All this infromation comes from the offical he Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography website that can be found here

Cause of Coral bleaching

It is climate change.


Other than the reducing your carbon footprint, there is also more research being done on coral which have actaully been beneficial. However, more ocean exploration is needed becuase only the surface has been scratched

The source for this information is Dr. Jennifer Smith of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and her article can be found on here